Xom Organic Homemade Products

Welcome to Xom Organic, where we specialize in crafting and providing two homemade products:

1. Herbal Shampoo: Enjoy the freshness and nourishment for your hair with our homemade herbal shampoo, made from natural organic ingredients.

2. Herbal Soap: Experience soft and clean skin with our homemade herbal soap, crafted from organic oils and natural herbal extracts.

KIKO Herbal Shampoo restores damaged hair, leaving it shiny, smooth, strong, and safe for all ages. Key ingredients include hibiscus fruit, jasmine leaves, betel leaf, five-leafed chaste tree, mulberry leaves, and bamboo leaves, combined with over 25 other herbs in a special formula.
KIKO Herbal Soap features a gentle herbal fragrance, cleansing and moisturizing the skin, safe for all ages. Key ingredients include hibiscus fruit, aloe vera, turmeric, bitter melon, purslane, coconut embryo, combined with over 25 other herbs in a special formula.

Why Choose Xom Organic Homemade Products?

  • Optimal Quality: We are committed to offering high-quality personal care products crafted from natural and organic ingredients.

  • Environmental Responsibility: We support local sourcing and environmental protection efforts, ensuring clean air and water.

  • Safe for Skin: Our products are free from harmful chemicals, ensuring safety and effectiveness for your entire family.

Try our products today and experience the difference of natural care and our love for crafting. Visit Xom Organic for more information and to place your order now!



Thôn 5, xã Trà Đa, thành phố Pleiku, tỉnh Gia Lai






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